Examples on how to use the Javascript API can be found on github. The repository contains demos with different javascript build tools and frameworks as webpack, angular, react-native and typescript. Each directory contains a README file with details on how to build and run the example. Use the following command to clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/migratorydata/getting-started-javascript-client-api.git
A typical API usage is as follows:
Step 1 - Install the library
Install the Javascript library using the npm
command as follows:
npm i migratorydata-client
Step 2 - Specify where to connect to
Specify a cluster of one or more MigratoryData servers to which the
JavaScript client will connect to using the API method
. The JavaScript client will connect
to only one of the MigratoryData servers you specified. But, defining
two or more MigratoryData servers is recommended to achieve fault
tolerance. Supposing the MigratoryData server to which the JavaScript
client connected goes down, then the API will automatically reconnect
the client to another MigratoryData server in the list.
Step 3 - Define the handler function for real-time messages
Use the API method MigratoryDataClient.setMessageHandler()
to define
the message handler, a function defined by your application that will
handle the real-time messages received from a MigratoryData server. The
message handler must have the following signature:
function <messageHandlerFunction>(Object message);
where <messageHandlerFunction>
can be any function name of your
choice. Its message
argument is an object having the following
- the subject of the message -
- the content of the message
`type` - the type of the message, which can be either *MigratoryDataClient.MESSAGE_TYPE_SNAPSHOT*,
: *MigratoryDataClient.MESSAGE_TYPE_UPDATE*,
*MigratoryDataClient.MESSAGE_TYPE_HISTORICAL* or
- indicate whether or not the message was retained by the cluster -
- indicate the quality of the service of the message -
- the subject to be used to reply to the received message, which acts as a request -
- indicate whether or not the message should be/was compressed (To use compression feature add library https://www.npmjs.com/package/pako/v/1.0.11 to your project dependencies. Supported pako version is 1.0.11.)
Step 4 - Define the handler function for status notifications
Use the API method MigratoryDataClient.setStatusHandler()
to define
the status handler, a function defined by your application that will
handle the status notifications. The status handler must have the
following signature:
function <statusHandlerFunction>(Object status);
where <statusHandlerFunction
can be any function name of your choice.
Its status
argument is an object having the following properties:
- the type of the status notificationinfo
- the detail information of the status notification
Step 5 - Subscribe to subjects
Use the API method MigratoryDataClient.subscribe()
to specify interest
in receiving real-time messages having as subjects the strings provided
in the parameter of this API method. You can call the API method
at any time to subscribe to further
subjects. To unsubscribe from subscribed subjects, use the API method
Step 6 - Connect to the MigratoryData cluster
Use the API method MigratoryDataClient.connect()
to connect to the
Step 7 - Publish messages
Use the API method MigratoryDataClient.publish()
to publish messages.
Step 8 - Handle the real-time messages and status notifications
Handle the received messages in your message handler defined above. Also, handle the status notifications in your status handler defined above.