The installation procedure described in this section has been tested on Red Had Enterprise Linux (RHEL) and CentOS 64-bit distributions



As mentioned in the Requirements section, the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) version 8 is required for MigratoryData. To install the JRE version 8 of OpenJDK, run as root:

yum install java-1.8.0-openjdk-headless

Validate your installation with the following command:

java -version

The output should be something like:

openjdk version "1.8.0_212"
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_212-b04)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.212-b04, mixed mode)

OpenSSL (optional)

As mentioned in the Requirements section, the OpenSSL and APR libraries are required to enable the native TLS/SSL communication. To install these libraries, run as root:

yum install apr openssl



Download the MigratoryData server as an RPM package and run as root the following command to install it:

rpm -vi migratorydata-Version-Architecture.rpm

This will deploy the MigratoryData server as follows:

Location Description
/etc/migratorydata/migratorydata.conf Default config file
/etc/sysconfig/migratorydata Default system config file
/etc/migratorydata/integrations/ Folder with config files of the add-ons
/var/log/migratorydata/ Folder where the logs will reside
/usr/share/migratorydata/migratorydata.jar Object code of MigratoryData
/usr/share/migratorydata/extensions Folder where plugins reside
/usr/bin/migratorydata Start script
/lib/systemd/system/migratorydata.service Systemd unit file
/usr/share/doc/migratorydata Folder where docs & license reside

Please refer to Configuration Guide to learn how to customize the default config file and the default system config file. To customize the add-on configs, check the documentation of the add-on in the MigratoryData Integrations section.

Verify Installation

The service will start automatically after the installation. To manually start, stop, restart, or get the status of the MigratoryData service, run as root one of the following commands:

systemctl start migratorydata
systemctl stop migratorydata
systemctl restart migratorydata
systemctl status migratorydata

Test Installation

To test the installation, start a web browser on the machine where the MigratoryData server has been installed and open the following URL:


This will open the home page of the MigratoryData server which contains docs and demos.

If a browser is not available on the machine on which the MigratoryData server has been installed, then, supposing the address of the machine is and the port 8800 is not blocked by the firewall, you can remotely test the installation by opening the following URL from a remote machine:

Build Realtime Apps

The next step is to build realtime apps using your preferred programming languages to communicate with your MigratoryData server. Please refer to the MigratoryData Client APIs section.


To upgrade MigratoryData to a newer version, run as root the following command:

rmp -vU migratorydata-NewVersion-Architecture.rpm
The upgrade process will preserve your customized configuration files to ensure the continuity of your service. However, a copy of the default configuration of the new version is provided with the extension .rpmnew if it differs from the default configuration of the installed version.


To remove the MigratoryData server from your system, run as root the following command:

rpm -ve migratorydata