MigratoryData version 6 might include third party libraries as detailed below.

The list of third party licenses with complete license and copyright notices is available in the THIRD-PARTY-LICENSES folder of each component of the MigratoryData software.

MigratoryData Server

MigratoryData Server includes the following third party libraries:

Third Party Library License Included with MigratoryData server?
apache-commons-lang Apache 2.0 Yes
apache-commons-net Apache 2.0 Yes
apache-kafka-clients Apache 2.0 Yes
apache-zookeeper Apache 2.0 Yes
apache-log4j Apache 2.0 Yes
aws-msk-iam-auth Apache 2.0 Yes
jctools Apache 2.0 Yes
JSON-java Public Domain Yes
jackson-core Apache 2.0 Yes
jackson-databind Apache 2.0 Yes
netty Apache 2.0 Yes
netty-tcnative Apache 2.0 Yes
slf4j-api Apache 2.0 Yes
latencyutils Apache 2.0 Yes
micrometer Apache 2.0 Yes
simpleclient Apache 2.0 Yes
protobuf Google Yes

MigratoryData Client Libraries

MigratoryData Client Libraries include or require the following third party libraries:

MigratoryData Client for Java/Android

Third Party Library License Included with MigratoryData library?
org.json.simple Apache 2.0 yes
apache-kafka-clients Apache 2.0 no (optional, required only for MigratoryDataKafkaUtils)

MigratoryData Client for C++

Third Party Library License Included with MigratoryData library?
OpenSSL OpenSSL yes
Zlib zlib yes

MigratoryData Client for ReactPHP

Third Party Library License Included with MigratoryData library?
reactphp/event-loop MIT no
reactphp/socket MIT no

MigratoryData Client for NodeJS

Third Party Library License Included with MigratoryData library?
(required only when using message compression)
MIT no

MigratoryData Client for Dart

Third Party Library License Included with MigratoryData library?
(required only when using message compression)
MIT no

MigratoryData Client for Javascript

Third Party Library License Included with MigratoryData library?
(required only when using message compression)
MIT no

MigratoryData Client for .NET

No third party library used by this MigratoryData client library.

MigratoryData Client for Python

No third party library used by this MigratoryData client library.

MigratoryData Client for Python

No third party library used by this MigratoryData client library.

MigratoryData Client for Objective-C/iOS

No third party library used by this MigratoryData client library.

MigratoryData Add-ons

MigratoryData Add-ons include the following third party libraries:

Kafka Native Add-on

Third Party Library License Included with MigratoryData add-on?
Kafka clients Apache 2.0 yes
aws-msk-iam-auth Apache 2.0 yes

Log4j Audit Add-on

Third Party Library License Included with MigratoryData add-on?
log4j Apache 2.0 yes

JWT Authorization Add-on

Third Party Library License Included with MigratoryData add-on?
io.jsonwebtoken.jjwt-api Apache 2.0 yes

Streaming API Gateway Add-on

Third Party Library License Included with MigratoryData add-on?
com.google.guava Apache 2.0 yes
io.jsonwebtoken.jjwt-api Apache 2.0 yes
org.json JSON yes