Welcome to the documentation for ansible-migratorydata. This guide will walk you through the process of setting up a cluster of servers with MigratoryData server using Ansible, a powerful automation tool that can configure systems, deploy software, and orchestrate more advanced IT tasks.

Our ansible/install.yaml script simplifies the process of installing a MigratoryData server cluster. With this script, you can easily automate the setup of your cluster, saving you time and ensuring consistency across your servers.

In addition to the installation, we also provide a ansible/monitor.yaml script for setting up monitoring for your cluster. This script leverages Prometheus and Grafana, two leading open-source tools for monitoring and visualizing metrics. With this script, you can keep a close eye on your cluster’s statistics and logs, helping you to maintain the health and performance of your servers.

Finally, we understand that keeping your servers up-to-date is crucial for security and performance. That’s why we’ve included an ansible/update.yaml script that automates the process of updating the MigratoryData server on all instances. With this script, you can ensure that your cluster is always running the latest version of MigratoryData server.

Whether you’re setting up a new cluster, monitoring its performance, or updating your servers, ansible-migratorydata provides the tools you need to automate these tasks.


Ensure that you have installed the following tools:

  • Ansible
  • one or more machines with Debian 12 or Ubuntu 22.04 installed

Install Ansible on MacOS

You can install Ansible on Mac OS using the following command:

brew install ansible

Configure the deployment

Clone the ansible-migratorydata repository:

git clone https://github.com/migratorydata/ansible-migratorydata
cd ansible-migratorydata

Update if necessary the configuration files from the configs directory. See the Configuration guide for more details. If you developed custom extensions, add them to the the extensions directory.

SSH keys

In order to establish a secure connection to the virtual machines, Ansible requires both public and private SSH keys. These keys can be generated on your local machine using the ssh-keygen command. Once generated, the path to the private key can be specified in the hosts.ini file using the ansible_ssh_private_key_file variable. Follow the steps below to generate a new SSH key pair:

ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C "your_email@example.com"

Executing this command will create a new RSA key pair with a key size of 4096 bits. The keys will be stored in the .ssh directory of your home folder. The public key will be saved as ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub and the private key as ~/.ssh/id_rsa.

Installing Ansible Collections

The provided commands are used to install necessary Ansible collections. Ansible collections are a distribution format for Ansible content that can include playbooks, roles, modules, and plugins.

# This command installs the community.general collection, which includes many of the most commonly used modules and other resources for Ansible.
ansible-galaxy collection install community.general

# This collection is designed to interact with Prometheus, a powerful open-source monitoring and alerting toolkit.
ansible-galaxy collection install prometheus.prometheus

# This collection provides modules to interact with Grafana, a popular open-source platform for visualizing metrics, which complements Prometheus.
ansible-galaxy collection install grafana.grafana

By running these commands, you ensure that your Ansible environment has the necessary collections to manage and monitor your infrastructure effectively.

Configure infrastructure

  1. Creating the artifacts/hosts.ini file:
  • This file is crucial for Ansible as it defines the hosts (or machines) that Ansible will manage. The hosts.ini file is created in the artifacts directory and contains two groups: migratorydata and monitor.

  • The migratorydata group lists the machines that will run the MigratoryData server. Each machine is defined by its public IP address, the Ansible user, the path to the SSH private key, the private IP of the node, and the IP of the monitoring machine(optional).

  • The monitor group lists the machines that will run the monitoring tools (Prometheus and Grafana). Each machine is defined by its IP address and the Ansible user.

    • While monitoring is a valuable tool for maintaining the health and performance of your MigratoryData cluster, it is not a mandatory requirement for the installation and operation of the cluster. The monitor group in the hosts.ini file is optional and the MigratoryData cluster can be installed and run without it. Also the monitor_ip is optional and can be removed from the migratorydata group.

Here is an example of a cluster with three machines and a monitoring machine in the hosts.ini file:

machine1_ip ansible_user=admin ansible_ssh_private_key_file=ssh_private_key node_private_ip=machine1_private_ip monitor_ip=monitor_machine_ip
machine2_ip ansible_user=admin ansible_ssh_private_key_file=ssh_private_key node_private_ip=machine2_private_ip monitor_ip=monitor_machine_ip
machine3_ip ansible_user=admin ansible_ssh_private_key_file=ssh_private_key node_private_ip=machine3_private_ip monitor_ip=monitor_machine_ip

monitor_machine_ip ansible_user=admin ansible_become=True
  1. Creating the clustermembers file:
  • This file is used by the ansible/install.yaml playbook to update MigratoryData server configuration file with the nodes addresses that are part of the cluster. The clustermembers file is created in the artifacts directory using the ansible-playbook ansible/cluster-members.yaml -i artifacts/hosts.ini command. This command runs the cluster-members.yaml playbook with the hosts.ini file as the inventory, generating the clustermembers file with the necessary information.

To create the artifacts/clustermembers file, run the following command:

ansible-playbook ansible/cluster-members.yaml -i artifacts/hosts.ini

Install MigratoryData server

By running these commands, you initiate the installation of the MigratoryData server on your infrastructure. The ansible/install.yaml playbook automates the installation process, ensuring a consistent setup across all your servers.

# used to disable SSH host key checking

ansible-playbook ansible/install.yaml -i artifacts/hosts.ini

Monitoring setup

If the monitor groups in the hosts.ini is configured and the variable monitor_ip is set for each server in migratorydata group, then you can install grafana and prometheus on the machines using the following command:

# For mac you need tar and gnu-tar
brew install gnu-tar

# Fix for MAC OS error `ERROR! A worker was found in a dead state`
# used to disable SSH host key checking

ansible-playbook ansible/monitor.yaml -i artifacts/hosts.ini

Verifying deployment

After you have successfully installed the MigratoryData server on your cluster, it’s important to verify that the deployment was successful. Here’s how you can do that:

  • You can access the MigratoryData cluster by navigating to the public IP address of any of the virtual machines in your web browser. The MigratoryData server runs on port 8800 by default, so you would access it at http://machine_public_ip:8800. If the server is running correctly, you should see the MigratoryData welcome page.

  • You can also verify the deployment by SSH-ing into the virtual machines. You can do this using the command ssh admin@machine_public_ip or ssh -i ssh_private_key admin@machine_public_ip if you need to specify a private key. Once logged in, you can check the status of the MigratoryData service and inspect the logs to ensure everything is running as expected.

sudo su
# Check the status of the MigratoryData service
systemctl status migratorydata

# Inspect the logs
nano /var/log/migratorydata/all/out.log
  • To access the monitoring tools, you can use the public IP address of the monitor virtual machine. By default the username and password for Grafana are admin and update_password respectively. To access the MigratoryData dashboard, go to Dashboard -> General in the Grafana UI. For logging, go to Explore and select the Loki data source.
# Access Grafana

Update MigratoryData server

The package_url and package_name variables in the ansible/vars.yaml file should be updated to point to the new version of the MigratoryData server. The package_url is the URL where the new version can be downloaded, and the package_name is the name of the package file.

Update MigratoryData server running the following commands:

# used to disable SSH host key checking

ansible-playbook ansible/update.yaml -i artifacts/hosts.ini

The ansible/update.yaml playbook contains tasks that update the MigratoryData server on the machines specified in the hosts.ini inventory file. The playbook is designed to sequentially update the MigratoryData server on each server in your infrastructure. The playbook operates on one host to ensure service availability during the update process. The tasks executed on each host include stopping the MigratoryData service, downloading the new MigratoryData server package, updating the package, and restarting the service. After updating each server, Ansible pauses for a period of time before moving to the next server, allowing the updated server to fully restart and rejoin the cluster before the next server is updated.

Build realtime apps

Use any of the MigratoryData’s client APIs to develop real-time applications for communication with this MigratoryData cluster.